First of all let us debunk a common mith: all children, of any age can sail with their parents and make experiences that will last for a lifetime.
When having children on board, the crew arranges for their entertaiment together with their parents. On luxury boats nothing is impossible: any dream can come true, large areas are dedicated to relax, entertaiment and social life: megascreens for entertaiment, reading spaces, swimming pools, fitness areas and Spas are just some of the countless options available on luxury sailing or motor Yachts.
Since we started off supposing that fun is always an option, why not mention water toys: whoever thinks that this is just a childplay is dead wrong: slides and inflatables of any shape and size are often seized by adults.
Larger is the boat the more options are possible: beside inflatables we can have water bikes, water skis, wind surf, kite surf and kayak together with diving and fishing gear.